My collection of wise, and not so wise, postings

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Burned Biscuits – A lesson we all should learn.

I have not found the origin to this story, which is a pity, cause even though I steal a wise word here and there, I like to give credit to those who deserve it. This is...

A must read….

When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!

All my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that ugly burned biscuit. He ate every bite of that thing…never made a face nor uttered a word about it!

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I’ll never forget what he said, “Honey, I love burned biscuits every now and then.”

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, “Your Mom put in a hard day at work today and she’s real tired. And besides–a little burned biscuit never hurt anyone!”

As I’ve grown older, I’ve thought about that many times. Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people.

I’m not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. But what I’ve learned over the years is that learning to accept each other’s faults and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

And that’s my prayer for you today…that you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of God. Because in the end, He’s the only One who will be able to give you a relationship where a burnt biscuit isn’t a deal-breaker!

We could extend this to any relationship. In fact, understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!
“Don’t put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket–keep it in your own.”
So, please pass me a biscuit, and yes, the burned one will do just fine.

Given the key book to life

Teaching English and Norwegian on a vocational training school, future building- and construction workers, means my students are for the most part young men of the age 16 and older.

I have to admit I face a lot of challenges. They don’t like things to be too detailed, neat and extensive. They want everything to be to the point; “enough said”. Most of them have never written an essay longer than one page, and they actually have problems finding the right words to express themselves. I suppose I just described more than 70% of teenage boys around the world.

I’m having a bit of problem knowing what to call them; should I call them boys, young men or just refer to them as teenagers? I feel that each “title” hold a lot of truth, and yet they limit them in unfair ways.

When I was a teenager, well… first of all I like to think I was a young woman. I had a good upbringing, different yes, but I never thought of my life as a bad life. Challenging, in so many ways, but never bad.The thing about being a teenager during the 80s is that we had our rebellions, we did stupid things, but I can’t remember we gave up. I can’t remember we turned careless.

It was hard to be a teenager back then: finding ourselves were a struggle, as we faced the challenges of being a young adult. But we had time and the future ahead. We went through time of unrest and upheaval, and we were excused because we were in fact teenagers.

Now I feel like society is hardened, in a way. Our young ones are expected to grow up before they have even completed childhood. I find this is the case in most aspects of their lives.
We are talking about microfashion now. To me that is insane. Children should have clothes to play and run and explore the world in. Not wear brand mark clothes they have to behave well in. I choke in my coffee every time designers talk about outfits to 8-year old girls “sexy”.

Some idiot introduced the term children’s sexuality… what? Yes, I am aware I challenge psychology now, and I use strong and perhaps unfair words, but with a little imagination I am sure he/she/they could have come up with an expression which didn’t engage children in an introduction to adult expectations which to some extent approve of children having an active sexlife. In my mind that is just so totally wrong: Children are curious about their own body, they should not have to be made sexual objects because of that. They are learning to know themselves!

Children look in the mirror and consider their body on adult beauty standards. They go on diets and use make up in a much younger age than before.

Then the teens hit in, and they find it hard when they are not considered adults, because they have learned the ways of adulthood, and yet they never learned about the consequences. Suddenly there are things to take into consideration which arouses feelings they never expected, they never prepared for dealing with them. It is so easy to turn to anger. A feeling they can relate to, and they often punish others by punishing themselves, and the other way around.

In many ways, and in many fields which are part of being a complete person, I feel like a lot of people bring discrimination on themselves, and they do so by getting in people's faces too often and too strong. They like to say: “Accept me or else!” They act according to the saying attack is the best form of defence. They go around demanding respect as a member of a group, instead of earning respect as an individual. And that sort of behavior invites discrimination. And the feeling of being discriminated makes them angry, more aggressive, more likely to destroy relations to people around them.Within short the risk of solving the problems by using medications and nonprescription drugs, even alcohol, is sky high.

In my life confidence in myself (even though I am aware of my many flaws) and trust in others are crucial. When everything else falls apart I have that, and I get back on my feet and move on.

How do you gain confidence in yourself and trust in others, when you have never really been allowed to explore and test the limits? How do you recognize your platform in life to rely on? In my opinion being given the answers, rather than finding the answers by putting some effort into it creates insecurity rather than good skills. I understand society may not agree, but that’s how I feel like a teacher and an adult.

Monday 17 February 2014


Fashion is not something we deal with only in clothes, interior in a house, or any other appearance related matter. We also find fashion in lifestyle, values even emotions! Fashion pervade our entire being, whether we want it to, or not. There is no way we can avoid the influence fashion, as an impact to reckon with, has on our lives. Some of us insist they are totally unaffected, but to be totally unaffected you need to be aware and actively avoid… and then you focus a lot on fashion, in order to keep your own identity intact. It is hard work to escape the chase.
Sometimes, in the middle of all the tomfoolery surrounding me, I feel the need to reflect a little on the state of things. Lately the concept of happiness has emerged more often.

As a person I am more of a «the glass is half full» rather than «the glass is half empty», but I have my moments when I have to admit the «half full» people makes even me exhausted. In the midst of these ups and down I try to understand what happiness really is. And yet: I crawl up inside when they say that there is more to life than we are living. Why not settle for MORE? More being wide awake. More moments that take your breath away. More deep belly laughs. More of being real. More of giving your best. More soaking it in? All of it wonderful and great guidelines to a good life, but… for some odd reason it sounds like memorized mantras put like that. And I don’t think I can explain why I feel that.

I mean; We are, after all, captured in a mayhem of happiness with media, and wise guys, telling us we need to make an effort to be happy. And if we are happy, we should be even happier. It’s like it is an obligation to be happy all the time. Living in one of the best countries to live in, in the world, we are supposed to show the world how happy we are, while we work out, eat healthy (following the diet of the week), and showing off our wealth.

Family, friends, work and the great love of our life proves the manifestation, making it hard to exit, to break out of, the pink cloud of euphoric happiness the media and public speakers tell us we deserve and should embrace.

I surfed a bit online to find out what happiness is. We all have an idea of ​​what happiness really is, and yet I find that we talk at cross purposes when we talk, write or read about being happy. Some are preoccupied with what they have and need to be happy, others believe almost the opposite: to be happy, you are happier the less you own. The inherent evil of things hits hard, they say. There's very little agreement on what happiness is or what causes us to be happy.
I did find something really neat though: “Mapping Emotions On The Body…” 
It shows how love makes us warm all over, but do take notice: Happiness makes us warmer. (My thirteen year old looked at the picture while I explained it to him, and then said: “Mum, I know why people fight!”)
"I want to be happy!", "I'm so happy!" , I hear it all the time, whenever friends make drastic changes in their life, whether they leave a partner, quit their jobs, get engaged or is pregnant. You never say you're happy on everyday basis. Something extraordinary has to happen for us to feel the happiness we in the media are told we deserve all the time. When you feel the spring surge in your veins, and everything is just lovely ... yes, that is happiness!
But ... you can’t change your circumstances of life all the time. Then all of us would turn silly and stressed, and thus also very unhappy.
On my search online I found a disturbing amount of tips on how to be happy. I sorted them into 9 categories… and then discovered that what is considered important to be happy in my case is a utopia. It does not fit into my lifestyle to find happiness. I am not quite convinced that it is happiness, as a euphoric state, we are really looking for, either.
Most of us are not self- centered enough to spend all that time on ourselves and our own self-realization. Other people actually limit us quite a lot, simply because we take into account and realize the circle of people who are significant to us, often we sacrifice something for them to have a good life.

The yearning and pursuit of happiness is by no means something new. What is new, is that we are told this is what we should strive for to lead a meaningful life. I don’t really get that, maybe because I am quirky, but I grew up learning happiness is something you achieve together with others. Today I sense the “me” appear as the nagging refrain. Kind of funny that everybody focuses on themselves, and is insulted everybody else isn’t doing so as well. But they are busy focusing on themselves too, so there you go.
I think that many people are unhappy because they feel they are not important for anyone. I don’t think I am someone “important”, but there are many people I certainly should have invested more in, people I love immensely, but who I never invest enough time and attention in. Family is after all there, they don’t stop being family no matter how often, or rare, you see them. It's a good argument when you stifle your (bad) conscience, I'll call later, some time.

The truth is that I should draw attention to those I love. Not force myself on them being intrusive, but a little bit, once in a while. A text message on your birthday, for example, it doesn’t cost the world, neither time nor money, but it can make a big difference in the long run.
Even better to send a letter or card in the mail. I love to receive something other than advertising and bills in the mail. Maybe, just maybe, others like that too?
I have an aunt who is incredibly good at that, and I decide here and now to have a goal to be as good: Every birthday I get a letter, and the feeling of being remembered is infinitely good. I have a long way to go to reach that goal. However, it's a fairly new year, new birthdays coming up... Tomorrow I'll find all the birthdays and store them on my phone, along with updated phone number. Yes, I’m going to get it done tomorrow.
I guess I am very lucky to be someone who is seen every day. I get attention at work, at home… even the staff at the grocery store knows me by name.
I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #1 Spend time with friends.

An American study stated that 43% of married people were “very happy”, opposed to 24% of the unmarried. One of the reasons to this is that married people spend less time alone. They constantly are stimulated by others, are more active, energetic, engaged and enthusiastic.

If you are not married, you can become happy by spending time a lot, with friends.

I spend quite a lot of time alone. When you are the only adult, a lot, in a family with children, you can’t just drop everything to be with friends. Not that I have that many friends. I mean: I do see other grownups: coworkers, parents shivering on the sideline cheering the kids on while clattering teeth so badly a chewing gum is worn out in seconds. It’s not easy to keep a conversation going then… so there we are; embracing ourselves watching the kids running after the ball in flock. I meet them at the grocery store and whenever our paths cross… but the friendly cups of coffee are pitifully few.

When you find 10 minutes to spare; with nothing to do, someone who needs listening to or the batteries in your run-down body need to charge, our recesses from everyday life are not synchronously. 

We don’t raise our glasses in uproarious hilarity too often, either. It’s too much of an effort to arrange for a babysitter and a ride, just to hold the stem of a wineglass while waiting for “the call” in an alert state of anxiety.
I do have the abilities and the will to get out of the house to see friends in casual settings, it’s not that. But after a long day at work, or a long week of constantly chasing the clock, it’s a blessing to give in to an inertly feeling, and just stay at home.  The general shortage of time makes me actually appreciate those rare occasions of lulling myself in domestic leisurely pace.  
I’m freaking out thinking about how fast time goes by. I didn’t have many new year’s resolutions, but I had a few. Still haven’t gotten time to really execute any of them. I was going to become so much better at organizing my life, home and family. I was going to treat myself better, focus more on my looks and appearance (I figure I am old enough to turn a little vain).
But then I start thinking: Do I really struggle with it as much as I think I do? Because I do really well at work, and my kids have turned out so great, bless them, and I do really well with the thrill of all of a sudden being thrown the impossible and making it possible. It’s a stressful period while I am making it happen but once I do, it is a complete rush. It must mean I am good at extemporizing.

Fortunately new Mondays come about, and Mondays are great days to start anew. (Last Monday was another bad day to do so, but another one is coming up in a week, soon enough for it to be executed within reasonable time, I think.)

Another thing is friends… I mentioned earlier I don’t have a lot of friends. I feel I have to explain that a little. It’s not like as if I don’t have a social circle of acquaintances.

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #2 Forget salary increase.

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #3 Don’t live beyond your means.

With the housing costs we have in Norway, I have to say I admire those who are bold enough to approach the market and buy a house. The cost of housing in Norway is really high, regardless of size and location. One thing is to calculate how much we can afford to pay for the house or flat itself, but we often forget the smaller posts in the budget like waste charge, water, phone, internet, TV, car expenses, insurance, leisure-time and recreational activities, child-minding expenses and gifts. The expenses always exceed what we initially thought.

EU’s definition to poverty is:
“Individuals, families and groups in the population can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet, participate in the activities, and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or are at least widely encouraged and approved, in the societies in which they belong”.

We focus a lot on the lifestyle to those who can afford, we seem to forget that only very few can actually meet the demands media present as normal. Those who can’t afford being up to so called standard don’t want to regard themselves as poor, and strive even harder to be what they think is normal. To end up in an overblown trap of luxury lifestyle is not all that uncommon, and very hard to escape.

Deliberately we have made choices which allow us a comfortable financial state. Funny thing is, though, if we didn’t have the option we do to choose to be thrifty, I am not sure if the chase for something better, or the temptation to live beyond our means would be this easy to avoid.

I discovered the liberation in having a secure income, I can afford to be economical. I don’t need brand name clothes or a new car, and I can choose to buy a kitchen from IKEA or a more expencive one. To have the means when the car needs service or when the insurance is due is simply lovely!
I don’t have to worry about it, and that is a huge relief. It’s a good reason to be happy for a while.

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #4 Don’t live too far from work.

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #5 Enjoy what you got.

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #6 Enjoy a lovely meal.

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #7 Challenge yourself

I don’t think I would mind coming home after a long day at work only to collapse in front of the flat screen tv. I'm almost certain I then had become a happier person. Don’t misunderstand me: my job is incredibly rewarding. I have wonderful colleagues and I get to be with great youth throughout the day.

The thing is, though, that I privately I do not live in a pink bubble by myself. I believe that parents have the responsibility to take care of their children, and the time between work and bedtime is pretty much the time you have with your children. It is the time you have to take care of your house and home in a way that we live as well as possible. Food has to be prepared, clothes washed, you have to dust, homework should be done and it really is quite a bit a complex solitaire to make time for everything.

Naturally one can plan the day more organized, you can always be more structured. But, and there is of course always a but: I depend on being a bit impulsive, it is a must for me to be able to. I need to feel I can drop whatever I have in my hands and just do something that occurs to me at that time. For me it is more important than having fixed times when I exercise. My body bears the marks and dents that tells of past problems and childbirth because I don’t exercise (that’s probably why, right? The decay sets in).
I know it's not fashionable to be older or have scars, but I think that after all they tell the story of my life, and it's not certain that everything has been just a voyage on a pink cloud. Nor do I think that plastic surgery to pretty things up is all that beautiful, either.

I walk the dog and use it as an excuse for me to move a few meters outside, but he can’t see very well anymore so he runs with his nose in the asphalt all the time and the pace is somehow not fast enough to get my heart pumping faster. It would be unfair to call it exercise. Even though I don’t work out, I would say I am reasonably active in my spare time (especially when the clock is tilted midnight and most people are sleeping).

That said, I am a little secretly jealous of those who manage to treat their body as a worthy temple. They exercise, sleep and eat right, and find happiness in seeing the results. In all fairness I have to confess I haven’t got enough self-discipline to actually do that... but I have a goal, and that I keep, I have to stay in shape to be able to tie my shoes myself, without sitting on a bench or get short of breath! That’s something, right?

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #8 Volunteer and participate in charitable work.

I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?

Happiness #9 Grant happiness time.

I can’t say that I have ever been really unhappily, although I have often been so depressed it borders on depression, getting older has made things better and has been a blessing to me.
I tilted 40, is well on the way to 50, and life just gets better and better. Now, my career isn’t all that, but I have a job I think is pretty OK. It’s often mentally challenging, but that’s not necessarily negative. It keeps me young at heart ... At least that’s what I like to imagine.

I have settled down more, accepted my life and become more established. Not only in terms of material things, but also as a person. The chase I felt urging me on when I was young (not even sure what I chased after) is gone. Now I rush more to keep house, home and family in a good drive. I have more peace of mind, and it makes me more harmonious, because I have set my values ​​and my morals. Maybe we are talking about a lifestyle that works for me, and therefore gives me enough of a challenge for me to feel I am realizing myself.

To realize myself have become more important than spending all my free time trying to look good. It never quite worked for me... I don’t really look like a tragic case, either. But I do not use too much time on my appearance. Still, I have to admit I yesterday did something completely new, I've never done this before and it's so amazing: I bought a set of false nails at the pharmacy! And they are (as far as I am concerned) amazing!

BUT. Now that I‘ve turned 40, my employer desided to remove all parking spaces for cars, mid-life crisis arises and since I have been mother of young children for 18 years, I wanted a venue that only had room for me and my wallet. All this happens about the same time, and I meet these days making an old, secret dream come true: to ride heavy motorcycle! I contacted a driving school and said I have zero experience with bikes, I’ve barely sat on a motorcycle before, but now I want you to teach me how to ride one.

So he did, and he’s still at it. Driving hours are somewhat sporadic, both because the season is short here in Norway, and hours have been canceled / postponed due to schedule, substitute lessons, sensor assignments ... the bike was condemned and the driving school must buy a new one (no, it wasn’t me). It’s okay, though; I enjoy myself every time I have driving lesson. Challenging myself with squiggly and sneaky driving and the feeling of pride when I ride flawlessly and get some praise. I'm not too old to appreciate praise from experts, it warms.

Being 40+, established, children are more independent and I have an account for riding lessons... just the thought that there is something new and exciting on hold in front of me is merely beautiful!
I have no idea what the right answer to what happiness really is, but ... although I shiver and tremble with freezing cold (perhaps not that strange as it is, after all, winter, and the wind has been whistling cold and hard for over a month now) spring is already well underway within me. I thaw and feel warmer inside, and although this is not the correct definition to what happiness is, I am sure it applies?