My collection of wise, and not so wise, postings

Monday 1 January 2018

New Year 2018

I don't know what 2018 will have in store for me, those I care for or anyone else for that matter. 
Only time will tell. It is like as if the thrill and the fright of the unknown future kicks in, just because this is the time of year that we stop and think about it. This is not just another day, this is when we enter the unknown future. Of course future is always unknown, noone knows what it will be like, but that is just life, right? Tonight we say "Thank you for the old year, and happy new year". 

I have no definitive resolutions. Can't say I'm going to do anything wonderfully different or magical. I can't promise I will be extraordinary or anything. I'm going to simply be a better me. To the best of my abilities I will keep doing the right thing, and live up to the values I admire in others.

I wish for others the same I wish for me. That you somehow, through any challenges, heartaches or obsticles you may have, be a happier and more successful version of yourself.
Make an effort to be the best version possible of you.

Life is both amazing and pretty cool sometimes.Bilderesultat for happy 2018

Because as disappointing it may feel, we can not know true content or happiness until we get a taste of sadness, anger, grief, frustration, disappointment and failure; all of the tough emotions that shape our daily lives.

The good, bad, ugly and beautiful.
Roll with it and enjoy the ride. And when things get rough you find that core of inner strength you need to overcome.

And yet I wish for you that 2018, this New Year, brings you real happiness and joy.