Together with family and friends, my nephew now just started a fitness center.
In the past, we called them health clubs, and I rather liked the idea of going to a health club, I certainly liked it a lot more than the idea of entering a fitness center. There is something overly ambitious about a fitness center, something I can't quite feel comfortable with.
To put it bluntly: my body was not meant for display in revealing lycra. My body has been through decades of hard work and three pregnancies. Age and gravity have had an impact as well.
I no longer feel comfortable jumping and do sqats, certainly not in public. My body lands long before I intend, and keeps bouncing long after I make a new move, much like a dog shaking off water in slow motion.
A few years ago my nephew suddenly became sporty and fit. He didn't just pick up jogging or go for a ride on his bike. No, it was like a determinated force driving him to enter competitions like "strongman" and "triathlon" and other extreme competitions. He and his wife, along with the rest of her family, and friends, got so involved with this new lifestyle that they wanted a fitness center that had every workout option all the other gyms had combined, plus everything they felt they missed in other gyms. Now they got that. They do not have is a mezzanine with a runway, but that's not that common here in Norway anyway. We, Norwegians, run outdoors, using nature for challenge... or a treadmill.
I have great expectations my aging body will benefit from this. However, I do not expect to become fit, firm and fabulous, but it would be nice to go on regular basis, just to slow down the inevitable decay my age and diet cause on my body. On that note, I also feel I should give the impression I try to get ready for spring and milder climate, hence less clothes on my body.
I read a headline the other day: "No thanks to New Year's Eve. Get started with a healthier diet and more exercise now!" I think they put it so accurate and great, because new year's resolutions do not work for me.
And, yes, I think it's boring to run. Sorry, but I'm very outdated that way; I don't ride my bike to work, even though it's "only" 13 km, and I do not exercise in wild and fancy garments so expensive you have no other option but to use them all the time, and soon you wear them to the grocery store and make others feel guilty for buying steak and not lean fish or vegetables, just because you look like an impudently surplus of energy.
But now, now Level Up Treningssenter AS is established, and they are open for membership and they have Bodybalance!
An old friend and I sat down on opening day and had a cup of coffee. We did not try out any of the work out machines, but we had a look, and decided that we should also be able to do this. Just because we are past our youth doesn't mean we are ready to pack it in. The 40s is the new 30s, some say, but we need to make an effort to stall. An effort based on more than great tips about good foot creams, silk spray and tiger balm.
In the past I have tried most; Jazzerzise, Zumba, Pilates, Weights, Jogging, Swimming ... But my hips are not entirely Latin, and all the aggressive, loud shout outs from the instructors make me so stressed out that I forget in which order I am to jump left or back and I cause a lot of chaos in the lines and involuntary outbursts of laughing. Instructors do not like that, at all.
But this time I found Bodybalance on the schedule, and it just hit me that this is it!
Now, Bodybalance does not promise calorie burn, better fitness or better mobility, but it promises to reduce stress levels and make me concentrated and calm. I do not really need to be calmer, because my girlfriend sometimes pulses me, just to check that I'm still alive and kicking, but I can clearly stress less.
I just hope it will not be difficult to help me up off the floor, that would have been a bit boring, in a room full of conversations. I hope I will not be the only "old person" there.

All in all, this will give you a physical workout and inner balance and harmony, and it suits ALL! Therefore me included!
My goal is that I will be able to continue to tie my shoelaces without having to sit on a chair or heave for breath. I think that's a fair goal.
In spite of age and size, I now have a young hope of having a beautiful interior in full harmony and a smoother outer .... in new premises.