My collection of wise, and not so wise, postings

Sunday 30 September 2012


Friday 28 September 2012


Working with teenagers for quite a number of years, and trying to stay updated on the news and what goes on in society in general, I never stop ruminating on the problem of drugs.

The large-scale production, the ruthless exploitation of people, the brutality often discovered in connection to it and the careless attitude to everyone and everything else than your own wealth I understand. I am so totally against it, but I see there is motivation in the income you may profit from it.
Money brings out the worst in people. History and today’s society show that money is the most powerful force of motivation. People think that money can buy everything and everybody, and it is, I am sad to say, true. Corruption is a huge problem around the world. (Another thing I ponder about, but that issue I save for another day.)

I like to think my biggest asset is my friends and all the friendly people I surround myself with. They back me up whenever I have good times or bad times. They support me when changes in my life occur. And it is mutual. We nourish eachother showing we enjoy being together and take part in eachothers` lives.

Anyways, back to drugs.
Just to put one argument dead: I recognize the high feels good. Never been there myself, but I trust expertize on that one.

What I just do not get, is why people end up trying drugs that first time, and why they end up continuing using.

Yes, I already stated that the high is good, but the high wears out. Most likely the urge to get another one becomes overwhelming, and the way you behave to get it will hurt the ones you love. So maybe it is not important to you if you hurt the ones who love you as long as you get to satisfy your own wants. Maybe you do not care wether people around you are affected in a bad way because you make selfish choises. (The bad effects are really not unknown to anyone, they are presented to everybody and talked about even in kindergarden.)

The result of using drugs, with no exeptions as far as I know, is that you end up alone and lonely. Fellow users are just as selfish as you are, and they stay friends for as long as it serves their own purposes. There is no profound loyalty or love among “friends” who stick together solely to get what they want the easiest way. When times get rough they flee faster than your head can spin.

I have not even started on issues like health (both mentally and physically), crime related problems and disclaiming responsibility of any kind.

It just seems to be such a waste when you see beautiful young people burning the bridges to everyone and everything which would have otherways helped them become the best version of themselves. And I so believe in a good life depending on your pride in yourself.

The signs of drugabuse really show how badly drugs affect the people around you, and how it harms the ones using. The link below shows the most common ones.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Live to work vs work to live.

Some times I feel like work is just taking over. I am sure many people have this feeling, when family, friends, interests and life in general just end up way down on the priority list of things to pay attention to.

The situation  put me confronted with a dilemma I really have no solution to: I work and get paid to provide my kids with a good life. While doing so, I feel bad because I realize I neglect the quality time I should have spent with them.

We should do things together like going on outings, cinema, eat out, explore nature and activities. We should laugh together a lot more and have good talks about mutual experiences and how come life is the way it is. I should have created situations where telling them the things my parents told me about life and how things work was a factor which brought us together. In short: to continue the family legacy.

I get things done, don’t misunderstand me, I do the laundry, prepare and cook meals, make sure the kids get to their spare time activities on time, make sure homework is done and get them to bed... But I never seem to climb any further on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs than to the second step. Looking at the model it is rather depressing knowing I do not really get to fulfill what science think is essential to a person.

The things I used to enjoy doing, like designing clothes and bags and sewing them, to draw and paint, to have friends over for supper, just because it was an ordinary Wednesday (No special occation needed, just the notion that a sandwich tastes so much better when eaten together with friends seated around the table)... I just never have the energy or time to do them.

I can’t really remember when I did something like that last. I can’t remember when I just sat still absorbed in my own thoughts and own doing either. I would so love to feel happy and satisfied, rather than just content.

I like to think I have a strong sense of reality. The alternative is too frightening. I understand that through defined periods of life some preferences must be set aside and postponed. Yet, to understand the fact, and live by the notion, really does nothing to comfort me.

I so wish I was better at combining a demanding job and a private life. I love my job, don’t get me wrong, even though it is too absorbing timewise. Even more: I love my family to pieces and want to be able to provide them with the best possible circumstances. I just sometimes feel I live to work, rather than work to have a living, and I feel guilty about it.

I wonder if that makes me a bad person?

Thursday 6 September 2012

Just a few totally useless facts...

Did you know that:
·         If you screamed for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would produce enough energy to heat a cup of coffee? (Hardly worth the effort.)
·         If you break wind  continuously for 6 years and 9 months it will produce enough gas to effectuate a nuclear bomb? (Now we’re talking!)...
·         When your heart pumps blood around your body, the pressure is so strong it can squirt 914,40 cm? (Oh My God!)
·         A pig’s orgasm lasts for 30 minutes? (In my next life I want to be a pig!)
·         A cockroach can live for 9 days without its head before it dies? (Creepy!)
·         If you bang your head in the wall you use 150 calories an hour? (Don’t try this at home. At work, perhaps...? It might help...)
(Still not over that thing with the pig!)
·         The male stick insect can not mate while its head is still attached to the body. The female takes initiative to sex by tearing the male’s head off? (Honey, I’m home! What th....?!)
·         A flea can jump as far as 350 times the length of its body? That corresponds to a human jumping the length of a football field.
(30 minutes... lucky pig. Can you even imagine that?!?)
·         The catfish has more than 27 000 tastebuds? (What can possibly be that tasty on the sea bed?)
·         Some lions mate more than 50 times a day? (I would still like to be a pig in my next life – quality before quantity.)
·         Butterflies taste with their feet? (Always wanted to know that!)
·         The strongest muscle in your body is your tongue? (Hmmmmmm.....)
·         Right-handed people live, in average, 9 years longer than left-handed? (Which is good for me!)
·         Elephants are the only animals which can’t jump? (OK, makes sense...)
·         A cat’s urine illuminates under black light? (Wonder who came up with the idea to pay someone to do the research?)
·         An Ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain? (I know a few people with the exact same problem)
·         A starfish has no brain? (I know a few people like that as well...)
·         Polar bears are left-handed? (If they change hand, will they live a lot longer?)
·         Human beings and dolphins are the only two species which have sex for the fun of it? (What about the pig??????)

For more useless facts:
( Fun Facts, Do Fish Drink Water?, Amusing Facts, Encyclopedia Britannica, Caplex,