Funny how one word can mean so different things to different people.
Not only does it mean different things to different people, but I put
different meaning to the word depending on who I call a friend.
Because…. Well…. I know many will disagree, but I say it anyway, and I
strongly believe it to be true: friends are different.
Some friends are those you bump into, catch up with and say:”We really
need to get together some day…..” And you both leave feeling this was a good,
unexpected chat, but you will not make priorities or make the effort to make
the get-together happen. I like these uncomplicated friendly “friendships-on-hold”.
I still refere to them as friends, but they are not significant to my
everyday life.
Then I have the ones who call to make sure I am at home before they come
over. They expect the coffee or tea to be ready when they arrive, and
preferably some biscuits or candy with it. They sit chatting for hours about
their own life, their kids, their current boyfriend or forever spouse, their
problems and their perfect life… and when they run out of issues and things to
share they get into a hurry and have to leave.
I love these visits… I “mhm” and “oooooh?” in suitable intervals, and
listen half-heartedly while I at times let my own thoughts wander inspired by
what my friend is telling.
A couple of my friends are those who never call, never return a call and
who I know never read my text messages… so I do not bother to neither call nor
texting them (And as I write this, I realize we act the same way towards
eachother; neglecting the other’s attempts to get in touch by mobile phone, but
feeling it is as it should be).
When they come over, I never know in advance. They don’t knock or ring the
doorbell; they just come into the house like a fresh breeze as they shout
“Hello! It’s me! Anyone here?” They take control, put on fresh coffee, find a
jug on their own, clear a chair or a sofa of whatever is occupying the seat
they want, sit down and chit-chat about this and that. Everything from a cat
having kittens to international politics is discussed, while I continue to fold
clothes or do the dishes.
The way they feel at home makes my heart warm and thankful they feel like
they belong in my house and home, and even though we don't interfere in eachother’s lives, we stay
updated on what is going on with eachother, but it is the essentials in their
person which is important.
We have no
total control of what the other person is doing at all times. Some times we do
not see each other for months, but we feel confident the other would drop
everything and step up if either of us needed support. Never had to try the
theory out, but there is total trust that neither of us will fail to be there
100% when rainy days come (and trust me: they will come, eventually).
Social medias
online has opened up to different kinds of friendships. Some share their entire
lives in detail through updating status on what they have for breakfast and
what their kids are wearing. Others just send a casual “hi” and/or “bye”, and
never expect nothing more than a “like” now and again. But they are good at
sending birthday greetings and comment upon what I post myself. Strange how
little things sometimes gives you the impression others actually do keep you in
mind. At least the thought of me hovers in the back of their mind, and that is
something to treasure too, right? The thought of people not being entirely indifferent
to who I am and what I do is precious. Especially since I am really a very
private and shy person.
Some you chat
with. Some more often than others. You find compatible people with mutual
values and interests and you get to know them regardless of what could have
been obtacles if you ever met them in real life.
I so appreciate
the input they have on issues and topics. It is like opening my mind to new approaches
and less prejudice.
I have always
thought that I was open minded, (a friend ones told me “she is black, you know”
and I replied “She is?” and I meant it… yes, sounds like I am totally ignorant
and dumb, but in that context I just didn’t see why that was an issue) but I realize
I still have a lot to learn, thanks to social networks and medias. And I
consider that a good thing.