My collection of wise, and not so wise, postings

Tuesday 8 January 2019

My Alter Ego And I Chatting.

It's funny, isn't it, how a day you do nothing but thinking, can make you feel totally worn out. If you can't even imagine, it feels like a never ending bad day.
deadlines combined with being worn out is a bad combo
ah yes, I can understand that
you just have to keep it together for a few more days
there is light at the end of the tunnel
have to set the grades tonight/early morning
so a few more hours
you're working late?
this is why you get stressed - you need a regular sleep pattern.
and get into bed at a proper time
yeah yeah
you know.... I wouldn't know how to survive then. I need a couple of hours when I can choose my own sounds
can't you get those hours in the comfort of your bed?
I am so tired of hearing people eat.... the spoon and bowl, the slurp, chew, swallowing... I have come to hate the sounds, and it is never ending.
then drift off to sleep
the boys eat all the time, and it's almost like as if they have set their sound stuck in the walls.
stick an ipod in your ears
I fall asleep with it on every night
it's very relaxing
the neverending replay of cartoons with screaming characters.... characters in children's tv don't talk anymore, they scream
and yell
but that must have finished by now
and the pointless calling for the dog. LEAVE HIM ALONE! don't make him walk across the floor, clicking his claws against the wooden floor, just because you like to make the whistling sound I use when calling for him
petty, I know... and that makes me feel even worse
oh no, cartoon network has broadcasting 24/7, and my son just went to bed
you defiinitely need some me time
you have your own study?
or your bedroom
they should be your places of retreat
not my own study, but I do have a bedroom
that's where I would be
nature of my job and my coworkers don't really help either
you have to find your own way
your own space
(easier said than done)
I have been thinking about writing my way out
The desperate Teacher  Mum inc
well, it might help to get it all out
there is an "and" there
cheap therapy
it's not easy finding a healthy life balance
heh... I probably should have taken the hints before the sound of someone eating a grape too loud makes me go nuts!

so, why was your day so close to perfect?
because I live alone
I do what I want
and I have satin sheets

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