One of the many exciting and thrilling things about social media is how we connect, how consistently we are in touch with friends, friends' friends, relatives we never met in real life, family and others we may have some sort of relationship with, or have mutual interests with.
We have such a strong bond to these online friends, that we tend to ignore those we talk to face to face once the phone beeps. If polite they say "Right, just a sec, I just have to check my phone". Most often they just don't bother to say, they just disconnect from the conversation to stay instantly updated with their online happenings.
It is common knowledge how protective we get about our social media life, and I know of many employers who would really like to make meetings mobile free zone. They just haven't built up enough courage to announce the demand... as of yet.
Once upon a time people were able to go to bed without their phones and tablets. Those days are long gone. And we complain about not getting enough sleep, while paying attention to the different sounds each notification will make as soon as another sleepless virtual, online friend posts another posting about the agony it causes that he or she just can't sleep.
Communicating with friends and family used to be a time consuming chore.
It is possible to do without social media at hand, but if there is a distance, you can hook up without getting expencive phone bills. Because it's free! At least to create a profile.
And the best part: you can respond or react to whatever approach they make, when it feels convenient.
I mean... come on, family and true friends will always be there, right? There is no reason to put them on the priority list as "Get-Back-To-ASAP!" You get back to them as soon as you have "liked" your neighbor's sister's new purse, which she posted a picture of 3 minutes ago, on snapchat, facebook, instagram, flickr and twitter.
·You can be updated on news in general from papers and other newsagents, but there's no need to cut down a tree to let me read the headlines in 9 different newspapers. There is no need to remember when radio or TV broadcast their news either. I get to see whatever news I like at any time; The latest news from Syriah, or the reality show currently the talk of the town.
You can easily send documents, pictures and video clips to friends…. Classmates even. Always online, and ready to open whatever shortcut to wisdom of life you sent their way. A quote, a picture or a spark to the inherent curiosity we have in people. When we are lucky, we receive a legal reason to spy and gossip. Some times scandals are revealed, other times we get to see happiness and beauty displayed, like only social media can.

The only thing is: These days, writing from your heart, the original text, with your thoughts put into words is probably the most personal thing you can do.
No nude picture leaves you standing there exposed to the same degree as your version of the truth does.
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