It’s my birthday today. The celebration of me getting older. When people ask me my age,
very rude, but more common, I can say I am closer to 50.
It’s no secret I just simply love all the goofy quizes and tests online, analyzing which flower you are, your personality and a lot of other quirky stuff (still waiting for the test which will show I am a Red Bugatti Veyron, which harmoniously combines athletic performance and elegant form, bringing the proud history that is part of the Bugatti-DNA into the present.
No such test has popped up yet, but I'm still hoping. After all, I am old enough to be responsible about excellence now.
Anyway. The last test was what I am like as a person. That was unexpected, but ok. I feel I know myself pretty well, but hey! Let’s see what a facebook-related test has to say about me:
You are spiritual, emotional, intelligent, charismatic, analytical and down to earth.Now, that's a whole lot of compliments... if you like being a mystery to your surrounding. I don't mind that. I have come to terms with being eccentric, and feel comfortably good about it. Still that was a bit over the top, made me feel more of an overexcited, loony cougar than a fairly reasonable woman. Don't know why, just did.
You are someone who needs to get to the bottom of things. There is no question you haven’t asked, and no answer you have not been 100% happy about. Your understanding of people and your extensive knowledge doesn’t come from books alone.
You like to observe and come to conclusions. It gives you a mystical touch which others find very fascinating.
There are many things wrong with my body. It's not age, even though age may have refined and enhanced the unwellness.
What worries me, is that my mature insight forces me to admit to my vanity.
I dress well... for my size. I am a very active woman... for my size, I eat healthy... for a woman my size... the list can go on and on. I have a lot of good things going, but I blame my size for not being as good as I can be, or could have been.
I don't feel age slows me down at all, in any way.
I wear what I want, I listen to the music I want, I do what I want, I engage in whatever activity I want: there is nothing, really, in my life, which holds me back.
My mother is a funny cookie. She has recently had several back surgeries done, and has been in crucial pains for many year. For as long as I can remember, actually. This meant she has needed quite an extensive amount medication.
Now they have helped her cut back, so she is more alert than she has been for a long time.
I was talking to her on the phone, and she told me that "Just today, my eyes fell on the bracelet they put on your wrist, when you get registered as patient at hospitals. You know: the one with all your essential information on it. And I thought to myself I would read what it said. It was a major shock to read I am a 76-years old woman. When did I get that old?"
Funny that she should say that, cause that's exactly how I feel, when I read my birthday card saying I am now 45.