Internet evolved. More and more contents could be found. Commercial became a loyal companion to every site I visited, and before long advertisements for dating sites were just as common on the margins (on either side) of my screen as makeup, clothes and diets.
For a long time I was reluctant, but early February 2011 I established my Facebook profile, and soon I had Facebook friends, updates, likes and shares. I got involved in the discussions about what others had posted and why and how and when.
You pay more attention to what appears in the margin on Facebook. Don’t know why, but I do. To the left you got the apps and the invites, to the right you have the consumers’ advertisements about everything and nothing which will make your life improve; and there is one thing in particular I have noted as a curiosity.
Steadily a dating site shows up where an amazing amount of single people are searching for a partner. Don’t misunderstand me, I have no prejudice or negative thoughts on people who see this as a solution worth trying. Actually I think it is a good way to start looking for a significant partner.
BUT. There is one thing which astonishes me; one of the dating sites has used the picture of the same man this entire time to advertise for their site.
I told a friend about this, and late the same evening she gave me a call. Very amused she told me that she established her Facebook profile 6 years ago, and now (looking at the picture shown and thinking about it) she was pretty sure the same picture had been on that dating site the entire time! For 6 years!!!!!!!!
If he still hasn’t «found» anyone, it must mean he is a hopeless romantic who still hoping to find the perfect partner… or maybe he just isn’t very perspicacious.
Someone have mercy on that guy! I strongly consider sending him a postcard saying: “You probably do best on your own». I mean; if you can’t find it online, you probably have to find it elsewhere… and then post it, on facebook to share, perhaps?