My collection of wise, and not so wise, postings

Friday, 23 March 2012

How to carry scars.

The other day I met a man who wanted to tell me the story of his family.  There was a good reason to why he should, and in very to the point statements he told me what they had been through.
He did not display any emotions while telling, and he spoke in a low and very controlled manner.

He ended his story by saying: “I just wanted you to know, because I want to give you the opportunity to understand my son. Scars tell the story of what you have been through, both good and bad, just like wrinkles do. I am an adult, I know this.
My son can not show you his scars; his scars are hidden in his soul.”

He rose, turned his back to me and even though he was wearing a t-shirt I could see the criss-cross of distinct stripes running down his back.

Some people just impress me by how they carry their past. Others make all kinds of excuses in order to not make the best of things. They chase the road of convenience or comfort.
Others get trapped in anger and frustration, not willing to neither forgive nor to compromise.

Businesswoman Pulling the Weight of the World - Vendor: iClipartI learned the other day that how I react is not always the best way to react. Often my frustration is directed to the wrong address. I forget that praise should be proclaimed and criticism has only one receiver: the one it may concern.
My scars are not to be displayed, but how I carry them reflects who I am and what I am like.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Things. Such a short word, and yet it causes so much trouble.
I have been told that every family has its drama; I have never heard of (or experienced) disharmonious family matters which did not, at the end of the day, have something to do with things. Things someone at a time worked hard for and got hold of and which somebody else now wants. For free.

When I was really young I was told by a very wise, old man, that when I grew up I should not collect or hoard things just to show off how much stuff I could gather. I should focus on owning things that meant something to me. Things I needed. Things which for some reason I felt would stand out. It is not the number of things which will show your wealth or fortune: It is their significance.

Because, you see: things bring worries. Houses i.e. must be looked after: maintenance, cleaning, upgrading… it all adds time consuming effort of thinking through, problem solving, choices on colors, shapes, quality,  prices…

I have to admit I really enjoy the esthetic beauty most things display, I admire the innovating processes and the craftsmanship behind the thing, and I understand why it is such a joy to possess a chosen item. But… I am good at not wanting a lot of displayed stuff around me and in the house. (Mainly because dusting is NOT my favourite activity, to put it mildly.)

To be dead honest: I am not a good housewife. I do not dust every week, my plants are half withered before I remember to water them, I never check if there is oil or flushing medium on the car; A car just works: I insert and turn the key and off I go, and if it does not work: someone else is always nearby and he or she (for some strange reason usually he) knows how to fix it. Everything which must be done to the car I leave to others to do.
Not having a lot of stuff makes it easier to clean the house and when I die there will not be a lot to fight over.

Computer Programmer At A Cluttered Work Station Clipart ImageStill, In my house we have a couple of types of things which are… suppose I should be honest enough to say they are out of hand. I do not have storage rooms, you see. I had this idea that what I do not use I do not want to keep… except a few folders with my kids’ drawings, things they create and make from toiletpaperrolls at school, folders with recipes on food I will never cook and clothes I will never knit or sew. We have a stationary computer, a Mac and four laptops, in addition to x-box and three tv's and like 478 dvd's and then a few games...

It seems like as if we have an endless amount of toys. All kinds of toys and a lot of it. They seem to float all over the place: lego in the sofa, footballs in the kitchen, table tennis bats  in the bathroom, action figures on the hallway floor. I hesitate to do much else than to pick it up and bring it back to where it is supposed to be placed and sorted into boxes, along with same kinds of toys. (I have a lot of really clever storage bins, but for some strange reason I fill them up constantly, and they are always nearly empty.)
Cars, lego, pokemon figures, miniature animals, musical toy instruments, costumes… everything has its own box (-es). It is funny how I think my kids watch way too much TV, and yet they play with something… or at least bring toys with them, at all times.

I do not really collect, but I have a lot of hobby articles. Fabrics, jarn, buttons, zippers, pearls, stones, glue with and without glitter, all kinds of paint, canvas, drawing paper, wires, string, all kinds of pencils, felt pens… you name it: I got it. I always plan to get to use it all, you see, and then I never get the time and next time I see a stamp I picture being used on a really great looking personal greeting card I buy it and add it to the continuously growing stack of bits and pieces just laying around looking like junk. I am not proud of it as yet, but one day it will miraculously turn into dazzling arts and crafts. Maybe. It will, perhaps.

Clipart Picture: Girl Sitting In Her Messy ClosetNow, that I am thinking about it, I have way too much of a lot of stuff. Not items tastefully displayed to decorate the rooms, but just stuff. In addition to toys and hobby articles I have clothes (and a wardrobe much too small), shoes, laundry, stacks of books and more than just one big box of things I at one time knew what was… like hardware accessories belonging to something I got rid of 8 years ago, but in case I didn’t get rid of it anyway; I keep it… still don’t know what it is for, just keeping it in case I need it…

No, I do not hoard or collect or buy a lot of stuff. What I have is not really clutter even it looks like it. I just... you know: have it.