Every morning I open the door to my house looking fairly ok, even my hair is done! By the time I reach my car I just look like a sad excuse for a respectable woman. (Believe me: I have no high standards for appearance but even I admit that looking like someone who just crawled out of a pool fully dressed is not recommended as a look suitable for work. Especially as I am supposed to be a rolemodel. (Yeah, I know; go figure!).
Now, I have to admit I love weather! I am the kind of person who embrace the elements, I see the beauty in the forces of nature and can contemplate the forest or the sea with great gratification. I can dance barefoot in the garden in the rain, or stand on a cliff by the ocean, unfold my arms and face the horizon just to become one with the forces raging.
Still, there are limits. Even I reach a point of satisfaction.
They say storms usually get female names because they are wild, wet, beautiful… and when they leave they take almost everything with them. There is a core of truth there, but now and again it would be lovely to walk my dog and come back home without leaving puddles on the floor and knowing the odour of wet dog disperses through the entire house… (getting so familiar with the stench now I can hardly actually smell it).
I should be grateful for the plentitude of water both because of our clean hydroelectric power and because we never have to worry about thirst, but I really need to dry up now… just for a little while. Just to remember what it feels like to look trimmed.